Programs and Services

Survivors’ Network Africa (SNA) carries out a wide range of activities aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of women, children, and vulnerable communities across Africa. Some of the services we carried out here include:

Rescue and Rehabilitation

We work to rescue victims of trafficking and provide them with the necessary rehabilitation services to help them recover from their experiences.

Advocacy and Education

The organization raises awareness about human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender-based violence through advocacy campaigns and educational programs.

Legal Assistance

We provide legal assistance to victims of trafficking, including representation in court, to ensure that their rights are protected and justice is served.

Counseling and Support

The organization provides counseling and support services to survivors of trafficking and their families, to help them cope with the emotional and psychological impact of their experiences.

Capacity Building

We conduct training and capacity-building programs for law enforcement agencies, government officials, and other NGOs, to strengthen their ability to combat trafficking and other forms of exploitation.

Join Us

Survivors’ Network Africa relies on the support of people like you to continue our fight against human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender-based violence. There are many ways to get involved, from making a donation, volunteering your time, or spreading the word about our cause. Join us today and help us create a world where everyone can live in safety and security.